A Time of Renewal
In many faith communities, spring is a time of rebirth. At Unity House, we see rebirth all around: whether it’s people getting back on their feet after a sudden loss such as a house fire, loss of income, or after seeking refuge from domestic violence, hope abounds when people are empowered to change for the better.
Unity House is grateful for the many faith communities who lend a hand in this work. We’d like to thank some of the recent groups that helped out over the Lenten period and helped make a difference. Thank you to:
- St. Michael’s Parish in Troy- hosted an amazing Irish Night that benefitted Unity House and other area non-profits.
- Our Lady of the Assumption in Latham- collected needed personal care items for Unity House’s Domestic Violence services program.
- St. Pius in Loudonville- had a day of service where volunteers helped clean up 309 8th Street, the original home base of Unity House, and their Trees of Mercy was an opportunity for families to donate needed art supplies for an art therapy program at Unity House.
- St. Basil’s Greek Orthodox Church in Troy, the Ladies Philoptochos Society- Philoptochos means friends of the poor, and they sure are. This group collected needed linens, towels, toiletries, arts and crafts materials, and new socks and underwear for Sojourner Place, Unity House’s shelter for victims of domestic violence.
- The Muslim Soup Kitchen Project- hosts ongoing food drives that help area kitchens and pantries. Keep an eye out for the National MSKP Day on April 29th!
- Grace Fellowship- With three locations, this group is always on the move, helping out with a day of service at Unity House and other area non-profits. It’s easy to see why their volunteer efforts are called Grace in Action.
Working with people in need can be both heartwarming and heartbreaking work. The support of individuals and groups who donate their time and talent to help in this work is gratifying and affirming. We appreciate the tremendous service offered at Unity House and beyond. It is wonderful neighbors like these who help make the Capital Region a vibrant place to live and work.
On behalf of those we serve, thank you.