
Compliance Program

Unity House’s Compliance Program provides the foundation for the agency’s continued compliance with all predictable laws, rules, regulations, contractual obligations, and policies and procedures that govern our operations and the provision of services. Here are relevant documents for review of the Unity House Compliance Plan:

You can view the Annual Employee Training PowerPoint slides here.

The detection, correction, and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse are central goals of the Compliance Program. Unity House employees, managers, executives, board members, sub-recipients, contractors, and vendors have an affirmative duty to report any suspected compliance violations.

What is fraud, waste, and abuse?

Fraud: Illegal act of obtaining something of value through willful misrepresentation.

Waste: Inappropriate use of government funds usually as a result of mismanagement or inadequate oversight (not always an illegal behavior).

Abuse: Deficient or Improper behavior, or misuse of authority or position for personal financial interests or those of close family members or business associates (not always an illegal behavior).

Unity House strives to provide an organizational culture that encourages ethical conduct and a commitment to compliance with the law. We value high standards of care and practice and exercise due diligence to prevent and detect fraudulent and/or criminal conduct. Every Unity House employee, manager, executive, board member, volunteer, service recipient, subcontractor, vendor, and business associate have a duty to make a good faith report of any suspected fraud, waste, or abuse. Employees are protected by Unity House’s Whistleblower Protection Policy, and reports can be made anonymously through Lighthouse, a third party vendor.

Important: Learn how to spot and report Medicaid fraud with this brochure.

If you see something that you believe may be unethical and/or may violate any policies, procedures, or laws, it is your responsibility to report it.  To make a report, contact our Compliance Officer or make an anonymous report through Lighthouse Hotline Services:

Phone (Toll-Free)




Note: Must include “Unity House of Troy, NY” in the report.


(215) 689-3885

Note: Must include “Unity House” in the report.

Unity House Compliance Program

Or, contact our Compliance Officer directly:

Colleen Hanaway Seeley, CPCO
Compliance Officer, Privacy Officer
2431 6th Avenue
Troy, NY 12180

(p) 518.687.1591
(c) 518.421.7416
(e) Email

The Compliance Poster is posted at all Unity House sites. You can view and download it HERE.