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From Chris Burke, our CEO

As seen on the window at Unity House’s Front Door community resource center

Dear Friends,

Unity House joins with all who are grieving the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and the untold numbers of people who are the victims of systemic racial violence. Our thoughts are with all of you–especially our Black and Brown staff members, consumers, colleagues, neighbors and friends–who are angry, afraid, and deeply saddened.

At Unity House we recommit to our founding mission to work toward social justice, which has been at the heart of who we are as an organization from the beginning, and the legacy we inherit from our founder, Mary Jane Smith. We stand in solidarity with Black activists and organizers across New York and the entire country in response to these brutal murders, and pledge to work to dismantle the injustice of racism in whatever form it presents itself. Unless we consistently and actively work to undo the structures of power and culture that uphold white supremacy, ​we are allowing racist systems to endure. Unless we actively engage in anti-racist work, our power and privilege insulate us from the impact of structural racism. ​

We have a great deal of work to do… here at home, in our community, and as a nation.


Chris Burke
Chief Executive Officer