You can help with items our programs and guests need
If you are a shopper, whether online or locally, you can help the people we serve.
Check out our Wish List. We have more than one wish list, actually. What children need at A Child’s Place at Unity House is different from what adults need in our community residences, what’s needed on the food pantry shelves, or what our caseworkers need to facilitate outreach on the streets. You can check out our Wish Lists here. When you purchase an item, you can add it on to your order or you can have it shipped directly to Unity House.
We’ll never forget the time one of our staff had exhausted all avenues for a car seat for a mom-to-be. We were thrilled when a wonderful friend went to Amazon and sent a brand-new car seat directly to our case manager so she could help Mom give her baby a safe ride. We were so grateful, and so was the mom-to-be, who was suddenly a lot less stressed.
Wish Lists are also a good place to look for ideas. Maybe you’ll see something on our Children’s Holiday Program Wish List and be inspired to shop for a similar item in your neighborhood. In whatever way you use your purchasing power to help make life better, thank you.
Finally, charities can always use gift cards. You can purchase gift cards online, in most grocery and drug stores, or have them shipped.
If you’d like more information on the hard goods that Unity House needs and relies on to help people in need, please contact us. We are always looking for volunteers to help collect goods, stock shelves, and sort needed items. You can reach our Volunteer Desk at (518) 274-2607 x4135 or via email at Volunteer@UnityHouseNY.org