Consistent caring that is delicious
We call her Bake Sale Superstar. For 7 years now she’s held a bake sale at The Sweater Venture in East Greenbush. Really, the kindness and the consistency is enough to give you hope for the future.
Each year she plans, bakes and staffs a bake sale to benefit Unity House. This year she got her younger sister in on the act (little sis is now the boss, self-titled. Did we mention how these kids give us hope for the future?) Together, Bake Sale Superstars raised $800 for Unity House. In addition, their gracious hosts, Dan & Lyn at the Sweater Venture, collected new toys for the Unity House Children’s Holiday Program.
One of the best parts is when the girls come in to empty out their lucky donation jar and share with us the kind things people say when they explain that they are raising money for Unity House. It’s nice to be reminded of all the good that is not just in the world, but right here in front of us.
Many thanks to Bake Sale Superstars (now plural!), their encouraging parents, and The Sweater Venture, especially their wonderful clientele and neighbors who are supportive.