Meet Claudette Senior: Director for front line program

Claudette Senior is the Director of Community Resources. She comes via our Domestic Violence Services program where she has worked with survivors of domestic and dating abuse. Claudette brings to her new role decades of human services expertise.
Community Resources is based out of Unity House’s Front Door at 2431 6th Avenue in Troy. The program serves hundreds of people daily through the food pantry and weekday meal alone. The team Claudette leads are often the first point of contact for people in need. Claudette is joining a great team!
About Community Resources
You might remember the program was once called ‘Street Ministry’ or ‘Poverty Services.’ Staff help with life’s essentials, such as food and clothing. They also assist people in housing crisis, facing utility shut-off, and who need employment search help.
Community Resources also serves as a gateway to other Unity House programs, off-site, such as A Child’s Place at Unity House, Northeast Career Planning at Unity House, our Domestic Violence Services program, and Supportive Housing & Case management services.
Meet Margaret Arias and Danielle Wissenbach: Heads of Housing Programs
Unity House’s Danielle Wissenbach and Margaret Arias will lead Unity House’s Housing Programs, as Director of Permanent Housing and Director of Transitional Housing, respectively.

The two are no strangers to housing, case management, and wrap-around support that our programs offer to people in need. You can read more about our housing options and services here. Danielle and Margaret each lead great teams of experts!
About Housing, Support Services & Case Management:
Staff generally work to meet the needs of people living with persistent mental illness or HIV/AIDS. The housing, supportive services, and case management are vital. In line with our mission, the goal is to help people live independently to the best of their abilities, as productive and satisfied members of the community, while honoring the inherent dignity in each person. Essentially, housing is more than a roof overhead.