Ways to get involved
The late Mary Jane Smith was one of three founders of Unity House. Back in 1971, Mary Jane, Regis Obijiski and Peter Callagahan founded the organization in response to the needs of people living in poverty. Even after she retired from Unity House Mary Jane continued to support the organization in many ways, notably through volunteer work. She was a beloved friend to many, especially in Unity House’s kitchen and dining room where a free community meal is served.
Mary Jane Day at Unity House honors that commitment to service and loving kindness. Many have asked how they can be a part of Mary Jane Day at Unity House. Really, you can do whatever is meaningful to you, but if you are looking for suggestions, here are some ideas:
- Do a Good Deed: Schedule a quick volunteer task at Unity House. You can sign up in advance, drop in, or call us (518) 274-2607 x4135.
- Drop off a Donation: do you have new or gently used clothes to donate? How about hosting a food drive or collecting infant formula for our food pantry? Consider bringing your donation in person to Unity House on Mary Jane Day.
- Make a Gift: Whether it’s sending a child to camp, making a gift to the Deuteronomy Fund (created by Mary Jane Smith and John Henry Lyons), or giving an unrestricted monetary gift to Unity House, know that your gift will help make life better for people in need.
If you come to Unity House’s Front Door on Mary Jane Day, be sure to plan time to stop in to ReStyle, the Unity House store; to check out some of the photos that will be on display; and consider joining us for lunch in the dining room. Unity House’s board of directors are planning on cooking and serving lunch in the dining room. All are welcome.
In whatever way you choose to honor the legacy of Mary Jane (1925-2017), thank you.