Troy Youth make Public Art
Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services Team are inviting youth ages 10-17 years to join staff in designing and painting new community benches. The benches are to be public seating in the green spaces adjacent to the Kathryn Allen Center for Domestic Violence Services, located at 6 102nd Street in Lansingburgh. The benches will be a legacy of hope created by youth in the community as a source of beauty, utilitarian function, and inspiration for the neighborhood.
The Arts Center of the Capital Region made this program possible through the Statewide Community Regrant Program, funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.
About arts in the Capital Region
Special thanks to the The Arts Center for fostering the arts in the Capital Region and in Troy, NY where there is a rich heritage of public art. You can support The Arts Center here, become a member of The Arts Center here, where you can also see a list of classes, camps, and events here. If you would like to support the work of Unity House’s domestic violence services program at the Kathryn Allen Center, you can consider a donation to Unity House here. If you would like to volunteer at Unity House, please reach out to: Volunteer@UnityHouseNY.org
Thank you to all the artists who help make the world a better place.