News + Events

World Down Syndrome Day is March 21

Numbers are Symbolic

World Down Syndrome Day is March 21, which is the 21st day of the 3rd month of the year. Down Syndrome is caused by the triplication (or trisomy) of the 21st chromosome.

Promoting Awareness, Increasing Support

World Down Syndrome Day was created to promote awareness and increase support for people with Down Syndrome.  This day has been observed since 2012. For 2024, the theme is #ImproveOurSupportSystems. The goal is to increase awareness, increase support, and work together for inclusive and supportive communities where we live and work.

The best way to learn more about Down Syndrome and to find ways to support people is to ask people with lived experiences. Here is a a great resource where people with Down Syndrome answer common questions:  Down Syndrome Answers | Canadian Down Syndrome Society

Join Us

This year at Unity House, join us on Friday March 21st in the #LotsOfSocks campaign.  Simply wear a pair of socks (or mismatched ones!) that will get you noticed. When someone asks about the socks, tell them they are to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. Start the conversation!

Special thanks to the faculty, staff, and families of A Child’s Place at Unity House for spearheading the Lots Of Socks Campaign. They knock our socks off every day!