News + Events


Domestic Violence Services Program Wins Prestigious Roth Award from The Mary Bryon Project

One of only three awards granted in U.S. Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program, which offers comprehensive services to victims and survivors of dating and domestic abuse, will receive the Roth Award from The Mary Byron Project. The Roth Award from the Mary Byron Project was created specifically for programs that address the needs of underserved populations…. more

United Way Helps Bridge Gaps

It was one of those bitterly cold days where you could feel the extreme weather in your bones. A guest, we’ll call him Joe, had walked to Unity House like many of our guests do. Joe was greeted at the Front Desk of our community resource center at 2431 6th Avenue in Troy by Pauline… more

How to Make a Gift of Stock

Gifts of Stock To make a gift of stock, please make note of the below information, which you can give to your broker to facilitate electronic delivery to Unity House. You can call us at (518) 274-2607, x 4133 to speak with Diane Cameron, or to notify us of the transfer details so that we can… more

Helping the Most Vulnerable Children in Need

TJ Maxx supports children’s programming at Unity House To mark the grand opening of their new TJ Maxx store at Van Rensselaer Plaza in North Greenbush, the TJX Companies held a grand opening celebration. There were balloons and cookies, fun giveaways, even a chance to win a $25 gift card if you were one of… more

Getting Ready for a Big Day

Mary Jane Day at Unity House Honors a Legacy of Service Tuesday, May 15th will be Mary Jane Day at Unity House. The day will be an opportunity to volunteer, connect, and reminisce about a founder of Unity House who meant a lot to many. Plans for Mary Jane Day at Unity House include an… more

Mary Jane Day at Unity House: Tuesday, May 15th

Ways to get involved The late Mary Jane Smith was one of three founders of Unity House. Back in 1971, Mary Jane, Regis Obijiski and Peter Callagahan founded the organization in response to the needs of people living in poverty. Even after she retired from Unity House Mary Jane continued to support the organization in… more

Best. Volunteers. Ever

Thursday, April 12th was a beautiful day for the Unity House Volunteer Recognition Celebration. Unity House is blessed to have the best volunteer crew. They rock sleepy babies, rake leaves, cook and serve HUGE meals, stock library shelves, conduct food drives, and take on myriad other tasks throughout Unity House and across programs. We consider… more

Bake Sale Superstar

Consistent caring that is delicious We call her Bake Sale Superstar. She’s a local middle schooler who will give you hope for the future. For years now she has been baking goods for a bake sale she holds each December at the Sweater Venture in East Greenbush. (You know, the place that looks like a… more

World AIDS Day: December 1st

Unity House to commemorate World AIDS Day This year’s global theme is, ‘Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability, and Partnerships’.  Since 1988, December 1 has been designated as World AIDS Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection, and mourning those who have died of the disease. Government and health officials, non-governmental… more