News + Events


Housing: the key for adults living with mental illness

A Community Conversation Unity House’s Supported Housing Program and Case Management Services will join Assemblymember John McDonald III to discuss the importance of community housing options for adults living with persistent mental illness. Our Breakfast Conversation, one of a series, is a small meetup of experts on the topic and interested community members. Led by… more

Congratulations to Gwen Wright!

Among the Trailblazers Gwen Wright, who serves on the Unity House board of directors, has been named a 2023 Trailblazer by the Women’s Fund of the Capital Region. Currently, Gwen serves as the Interim Executive Director of the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Prior to joining the Unity House board, Gwen retired from the NYS… more

Basics for Babies

Campaign for Baby Essentials Babies in need. Truly our most vulnerable citizens. How can you help struggling families to provide for their infants and young children? Here are ways to help with Unity House’s Basics for Babies campaign: Talk to your club, union, employer, church, or civic organization and ask if they want to be… more

So Long to a Legend

Wishing Linda Lewis well on her retirement Unity House has a variety of programs and services. No one has worked in more of them than Linda Lewis, Unity House Chief of Staff who will retire after 40 years in the behavioral health field, 25 of them at Unity House. Linda started in 1982 at Samaritan… more

Unity House Publishes Annual Financial Data

Financial Details for year ending 2021 Each year Unity House publishes financial information, reflecting the non-profit organization’s expenses and revenue for the calendar year. This data, known as Unity House’s financials, is published as official statements which are audited by an independent accounting firm. You can view financial information here. If you wish to receive… more

Domestic Violence Services: There when you need them

Help is Always Available Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services Program does A LOT: residential and non-residential program that collaborates with community partners to meet the needs of victims of domestic violence; free legal services to low-income residents of Rensselaer County; support groups, cell phones; help with issues around stalking; housing; job loss; food insecurity; child… more

Thank You, CIS!

Generous Donation Kicks Office Season of Giving Monday, November 14th kicked off Unity House’s Children’s Holiday Program, an initiative that fulfill Wish Lists of more than 1,000 children across Unity House sites and programs. CIS, the Center for Internet Security, joined in to get things started in a BIG way. CIS demonstrates their commitment to… more

Farewell to a Dear Friend

In Tribute: Jean Cavallo (1932-2022) In 1978 Jean Cavallo came to work with Mary Jane Smith at Unity House. It was a challenging time for Jean: her husband had become disabled and she had four small children at home. Jean started as a bookkeeper, taking on tasks, doing whatever she could to support the mission…. more

Children’s Holiday Program Needs help fulfilling Wishes and Needs

Annual holiday program helps over 1,500 children across Unity House programs There are toys, games, balls, books, boots, blankets, and jammies. With the help of many generous elves, Unity House’s Children’s Holiday Program helps children in need have a magical holiday. There are several ways to get involved: buys gifts or host a toy drive… more

Thanksgiving: This year food insecurity is greater than ever

Rising Costs in Food & Fuel For families facing food insecurity, access to a food pantry and grab-and-go meals can be a lifeline. This is especially true when the impact of  inflation has families making painful spending trade-offs: Do I pay the rent or fill the cupboards? Unity House is proud to partner with neighboring… more