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Community Resources

Unique challenges in 2020 for Adopt a Child Program

1,700 children across Unity House programs will need help this holiday season Toys! Games! Balls! With the help of many generous elves, Unity House’s Children’s Holiday Program, once called Adopt a Family, helps put the magic in the holiday season for children of all ages. It’s a huge undertaking that involves staff, families, volunteers, and… more

Aeroponics: valuable urban resource

Meet Tyler. Tyler is an 18 year old with a bit of green thumb. Instead of growing fresh produce outside, Tyler puts his green thumb to work indoors, in growing towers that grow fresh produce such as lettuce, cucumbers, kale, chard, and fresh herbs. Known as aeorponics, this growing method uses less water and soil… more

SEFA Appeal Open

Are you or someone you know a New York State Employee? Consider Unity House for your SEFA Support! Each fall, state employees are invited to donate to their charity of choice by participating in New York State’s SEFA Campaign. SEFA stands for the State Employee Federated Appeal. The campaign offers state employees to elect a specific… more

Homegrown Grocery Store Goes the Extra Mile for Food Insecure Families

Honest Weight Food Coop Still Serving In pre-pandemic times we had a great partnership with Albany’s Honest Weight Food Coop. Through their outreach and community engagement, we had a cheery volunteer from Honest Weight who set up a tasting station outside our dining room. Catherine Jura would come bearing hot food, good recipes, give-aways, and… more

Unity House Can Help with SNAP Benefits

Commonly known as Food Stamps, SNAP benefits are an important part of the food safety net Thanks to Hunger Solutions NY, Unity House has a dedicated NOEP Coordinator to help with SNAP benefits. That’s an alphabet soup of acronyms so let’s break it down. NOEP stands for Nutrition Outreach Education Program. It’s the title that… more

Meeting People Where They’re At

New Video highlights what happens at Front Door You know Unity House’s site at 2431 Sixth Avenue in Troy? We were surprised to learn that some people think people LIVE in that building. Maybe it’s the big Unity HOUSE sign on the building.  The fact is, while Unity House does provide supportive housing and case… more

Need for volunteers

Mobilizing help while maintaining social distance Unity House’s food programs, namely prepared food that used to be served in our free, community dining room, and our food pantry, are still working hard to address food insecurity. But they’ve changed their ways. Instead of choosing foods off of the shelf, guests are asked to make an… more

Bombas Giving Program Donates Socks to Unity House

Q: What is the #1 most requested item in shelters? Bombas Giving Program was founded after finding out that the answer to the above question is “socks.” Bombas is based in helping the homeless community of the United States, their goal being to bring awareness to the issue of the lack of clothing in national… more

TJ Maxx Helps Children

The most wonderful time of the year: when kids go back to school For parents, this time of year can be both good and bad: children are going back to school where they’ll learn, have structure, and access to breakfast and lunch. But what if you already struggle to meet the needs of your family?… more

Meet Denise Roe

New Program Director of Community Resources has long history of helping Denise Roe has been working in human services since 2001, mostly in positions of direct care. What is direct care? It’s when you have direct contact with the consumers who are the recipients of the help Unity House provides. In Denise’s case, she focused… more