Unity House to honor Kathleen Jimino, KeyBank, and the Prout/Robison Families Unity House will celebrate three honorees —KeyBank, former Rensselaer County Executive Kathleen Jimino and the Prout/Robison families — for their commitment to community service and to making the Capital Region a better place to live. The honorees have all been long-time supporters of the… more
Community Resources

Strong Nonprofits
Strong Nonprofits works for a better New York – for everyone A statewide coalition of more than 350 nonprofit human services providers, Unity House among them, are calling for increased State investment in the sector’s workforce and infrastructure. Working under contract with the State, human services agencies provide crucial services to uplift New Yorkers in… more

MVP Helps the Hungry
Programs addressing food insecurity need support MVP donated funds to Unity House food programs. Funds will be used to help stock the shelves of the Unity House food pantry and to purchase food for the Unity House community meal, which serves as many as 200 people lunch in one sitting. Many thanks to MVP for… more
Winter Hours for Community Resources Program
Take Note of amended hours of operation for month of January Community Resources, a program located at Unity House’s Front Door, has winter hours for the month of January. Staring January 5, the program will operate from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Hours of operation for ReStyle, the Unity House store, and for the weekday… more

Morning of Kindness a Gift to Unity House
Kindness starts with you That’s what the Morning of Kindness is about: You, doing something kind. Ideally with your family, and maybe on the morning of Christmas Eve. The all volunteer group made it easy to spread some kindness on the morning of December 23rd. Participants checked out the Morning of Kindness website or Facebook page and… more

Merrill Lynch
Latham Office Hosts Food Drive for Families in Need Merrill Lynch in Latham held a collection drive in the month of December for the Unity House food pantry. The group collected personal care items, non-perishable food items, and new socks and underwear. All of the items are for the Unity House Community Resources program, often the… more

MVP Health Care Delivers Coats for Children
Winter Warmth for Families in Need MVP Health Care delivered dozens of new children’s coats in all sizes. The coats will go to families in need at Unity House’s Community Resources program for those needing help with life’s essentials, Unity House’s shelter for victims of domestic violence, and to families in need at A Child’s Place at… more
Hallam ICS Helps Unity House
Giving Tree Program Helps Others A local engineering firm based in Malta, Hallam ICS, donated to Unity House. The group decided to host a Giving Tree and donated to various Capital Region non-profits that help people with needs. Many thanks to all at Hallam for a lovely holiday gift. To make a donation of your… more

NOEP Coordinator Helps Food Insecure Households
SNAP benefits, commonly known as food stamps NOEP stands for Nutritional Outreach Education Program. The job of the Coordinator is to help people access needed benefits. The position is made possible through Hunger Solutions NY which offers free, confidential, one-on-one services that help hungry New Yorkers get nutrition assistance. NOEP Coordinators are based in community… more

Support Unity House on #GivingTuesday, a day dedicated to giving back. You’ve heard of Black Friday, Shop Local Saturday, even Sofa Sunday, followed by Cyber Monday…. but Giving Tuesday is your chance to make a difference. Please, make a gift on Tuesday, November 28th to help support needed programs and services of Unity House. Thank You!