Instagram, the picture-oriented social media platform that is the most used social media among teenagers, is the latest tool in targeting youth. Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services team, which offers safe space to all victims of domestic and dating abuse, was inspired to set up a teen oriented social media channel during February’s Teen DV Awareness… more
Dietetic Intern Serves Up Goodness
Unity House’s community meal serves as many as 200 guests at times. It’s hard work that is the result of the efforts of staff, volunteers, food donations, purchased food, and lots of teamwork. Also helpful are interns. Local students who come from various colleges spend time working at Unity House as interns. Unity House benefits from their help, while… more
Helping People in Need
A woman we’ll call Vanessa came to Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program. She was a young woman, married and living in Troy. Vanessa found herself in an abusive relationship. Her husband was dominating and controlling every aspect of her life: how she spent her time, what she wore, and even what she could have to eat… more
How a Tattoo can Change You
Did you know victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking are sometimes forced by their abusers to receive brands or tattoos? The ink or brand becomes a permanent symbol of ownership and control. In these situations victims often don’t know what to do and may feel shame in seeking help and recovery. A young woman… more
Talk Soup to Welcome Exciting Guest Speakers
Soul Fire Farm Visits Unity House for Dinner Conversation Series After a summer hiatus, Unity House’s Talk Soup, a program that brings together people and ideas, is back in action! Talk Soup organizer and Food Security Case Manager Amy Halloran of Unity House is starting the Fall 2018 season off with a bang by inviting… more
September Time-Out for Clothing Donations
Please, hold off on dropping off clothing donations for the month of September Our store, ReStyle, needs to time to process the amazing donations we’ve received. As we changeover the store to Fall merchandise, we ask that you hold-off on clothing donations until October 1st. We cannot accept donations in the month of September while… more
Community Resources Program’s New Hours
Expanded Hours Remove Barriers to Access Starting in June, Unity House’s Community Resources hours of operation will change. The new hours provide flexibility for individuals and families who cannot come to Unity House during traditional, weekday business hours. Monday 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM (closed from 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM) Tuesday 9:30 AM –… more