2 Harts One Soul: committed to making a difference
Their mission is to raise awareness about domestic violence and support local organizations that serve those affected by domestic and dating abuse. The group was formed by Ashley Hart. Her sister Nikki was killed at the hands of her abuser in 2012.
In 2020, Ashley Hart and 2 Harts One Soul have already made a huge impact. During the initial phase of lockdown, they focused on making and distributing face masks. The masks were purple, the signature color of domestic violence awareness. Ashely, with help from supporters, was able to donate hundreds of masks to Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program.
Unity House’s DV Services program has a residential program, a non-residential component, and a legal project to help victims of domestic violence. There are many children connected to the adults in the program, who may be men, women, or transgender. At holiday time, it is a huge endeavor to meet the needs of the children in the program, and kids in other Unity House programs.
It is no surprise that Ashley and her family have chosen to help at holiday time to find new gifts for children affected by DV. The group has chosen to collect new gifts for Teens and ‘Tweens, a population that is tricky to shop for. As a result, these kids are often overlooked by holiday toy programs. It seems many want to shop for toys and games little kids will enjoy.
Thanks to Ashley, children affected by domestic violence will have a little magic this holiday season as they receive gifts that teens can use and enjoy. Many thanks to Ashley and everyone at 2 Harts One Soul for all they do at holiday time and beyond. 2020 has been a crazy year but they are, for sure, one of the bright lights.
Interested in helping?
Consider ‘adopting’ a child this holiday season and donate new, unwrapped toys to Unity House. You can do curbside drop-off at 2431 6th Ave in Troy (rear parking lot), shop online from our Wish List and have toys delivered or call us about fulfilling a specific child’s wish list. In general, you can expect to spend about $25-35 per gift. If you would rather donate to our Children’s Holiday Fund and let us do the shopping, that’s a great help too.
Contact Mandy at (518) 274-2607 x4139 for more information.
On behalf those we serve, especially the children at holiday time, thank you.