News + Events

School Supplies Drop Off Opportunities

Ways to Get Involved

Many thanks to those who have already contributed to the school supplies drives going on throughout the Capital Region. If you’d like to pitch in to help kids at Unity House, consider these upcoming opportunities:

August 21: Rensselaer County Historical Society’s informal Back Deck Cocktail party is a fun night. Buy a $20 ticket (that’s a steal!) and you’ll be supporting a great cause. Bring in school supplies for their drive and they’ll enter you into their raffle- for free!  More info on their event here.

August 24-25: Is there anything nicer than having a clean car? Get a FREE  car wash when you stop in to any area Hoffman’s Car Wash and drop off a NEW backpack or pair of NEW sneakers.  A clean car and good feeling in your heart: win win. Special thanks to the United Way of the Greater Capital Region for collecting these items, which will be distributed to their Neighborhood Family Resource Center, of which Unity House is one.

August 25: Back to School Bash at the Polish American Community Center in Albany. Stop by the vendor show and drop off a new school supply from 2pm to 7pm.

Many thanks to the area businesses and individuals who support children!