Unity House program works collaboratively to reach teens
February marks Teen Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services Program is busy planning community events and outreach activities for February.
Orange is the color for Teen Dating Abuse Awareness & Prevention. Consider wearing orange on Wednesday, February 8th.
Are you a community provider who works with youth? Consider dropping into our Open House on Friday, February 24th from 3pm to 5pm at the Kathryn Allen Center for Domestic Violence Services at 6 102nd Street in Lansingburgh. This is a great opportunity to learn about Unity House Youth Programming, especially our summer arts program for teens.
The Unity House Domestic Violence Services program has expertise to share. If you or your youth program are looking for a speaker to engage with youth on the topic of healthy relationships and boundaries, please contact us at (518) 274-2607 x4133 or email us at Dcameron@unityhouseny.org for a conversation.
A reminder that help for abuse is always available.