CARES makes a Difference
CARES is the consortium that brings area groups together to make a difference. Unity House is a proud member of the group, which recently gathered to plan for November’s Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month. It’s a regular occurrence to share ideas on addressing the issue and meeting the needs of people who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. It’s a serious issue that affects people living in poverty.
The national effort to bring awareness to those affected by food insecurity and homelessness is timed in November since Thanksgiving is a time of abundance. And in the northeast, it’s a time when the cold weather really sets in. Can you imagine not having anywhere to go when the temperature dips down at night?
At Unity House, we focus on collaborative efforts with organizations that are committed to the dignified principle of Housing First. In this model, a person’s immediate need of housing is addressed first. Then one can access other resources like job coaching and employment search, refuge from domestic violence, food insecurity, treatment for addiction or illness that is physical or mental. It’s a holistic approach that deals with essentials first.
Unity House is proud to partner with area organizations such as CEO, Joseph’s House and Shelter, St. Paul’s Center, TRIP, and the YWCA in downtown Troy.
Housing Programs at Unity House
Unity House has a shelter for victims of domestic violence in a secure, confidential location. In 2013, Unity house was able to build a new facility that can better serve victims of domestic violence. The 33 bed residence almost doubles capacity and has flexible room configurations to better accommodate women with children, men and transgender victims, and victims with mental illness.
Unity House offers Community Residences for adults living with persistent mental illness, Transitional Apartment Services, a Situational Crisis Bed, Community Housing Assistance Program (CHAP), housing options for those who are mentally ill, chemically addicted (MICA), housing for adults with HIV/AIDS. In addition, Unity House’s Supportive Housing program offers Case Management services and a PROS program for adults in recovery from mental illness.
Housing programs at Unity House are in addition to the homelessness prevention measures Unity House offers since the best way to avoid homelessness is to stay housed in safe, stable housing. In all Unity House housing programs, working with other providers of services is key to meeting the needs of consumers.
Planned for November
For November’s Awareness Month surrounding the issue of hunger and homelessness, Unity House will continue to offer services at our community resource center and through outreach in the community. We’ll also focus on highlighting the many ways local organizations work together to address the issues connected hunger and homelessness. We are proud of the partnerships we’ve built and have great respect for our colleagues who work in offering human services. We are confident they share Unity House’s core values that all people are worthy of respect and compassion so they have may dignity and hope.
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