Our housing programs have one goal: to help people live an independent, productive, and satisfying life in the community. It began simply enough: in the mid-70’s, Unity Park House opened as a community residence, where people and staff lived together. It was a time when people with mental illness were being ‘deinstitutionalized’ for a community-based form… more
Hillside Views
Neighbors Address Need Collectively In 2018 neighbors investing their time and resources spoke up at a 2018 community event advocating for equitable investment of public resources in their neighborhood, namely around housing and playgrounds. The neighborhood is Troy’s Hillside North, bordered by Ingalls Avenue on the north; 11th Street on the east; Hoosick Street on the… more
CEO Chris Burke Makes a Big Anouncement
Unity House CEO announces retirement plans Unity House’s CEO, Chris Burke, announced that he will retire from the role in mid-2022. Only the second Chief Executive Officer in the organization’s 50-year history, Chris has led the organization for more than 30 years. Unity House extends our best wishes to him! Dynamic Leadership “The name Chris… more
Help with Rental Arrears Arrives
ERAP stands for Emergency Rental Assistance Program ERAP is a program out of the NYS Office of Temporary Disability. You can find more details on their website. The goal, as described on their site, is to “provide significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by… more
Chi Phi Fundraiser
RPI Fraternity Gives Back Members of the Theta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity on the RPI campus in Troy could not do many of their usual service projects due to the need for social distancing. The group moved to online support, as a way to give back and make a difference in their community…. more
Employee Spotlight
People who help make life better Totia Harris always knew she wanted to help people, she just wasn’t sure how that would take shape. It was as a student at Russel Sage that she first connected with Unity House and found where she could make an impact. As part of her research for a… more
Employee Spotlight
People who help make life better Liz Dinardo is the Program Director at one of Unity House’s three community residences, in our Housing Support Services program. It’s a direct care role, where she interacts with people who use Unity House services, often referred to as consumers, as well as oversee staff who are available 24/7… more
Spring/Summer Newsletter Published
Newsletter Available Online The Unity House Newsletter is now available online. You can view it here: Spring 2021 Newsletter from Unity House If you would like a hard copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (518) 274-2633 x4133.
Hoosick Falls Satellite Space Fills a Need
Improved outreach in rural areas Unity House is known for comprehensive services but what if you live in an area that is far from our staff? What if you can’t easily get to one of our locations in Troy? Thanks to Hoosick Falls Police Chief Robert Ashe, residents of Hoosick Falls and nearby communities now… more
CapCom Grant: Helps People Looking for Employment
EmploymentU will help restaurant workers and more With the help of Cap Com Federal Credit Union, Unity House is able to assist a niche of workers who were distinctly affected by the economic fall-out of the COVID-19 Pandemic: hospitality workers. Many restaurant workers were suddenly unemployed when shutdowns occurred. Finding a replacement source of income… more
Hillside Views
Neighbors Address Need Collectively In 2018 neighbors investing their time and resources spoke up at a 2018 community event advocating for equitable investment of public resources in their neighborhood, namely around housing and playgrounds. The neighborhood is Troy’s Hillside North, bordered by Ingalls Avenue on the north; 11th Street on the east; Hoosick Street on the… more
CEO Chris Burke Makes a Big Anouncement
Unity House CEO announces retirement plans Unity House’s CEO, Chris Burke, announced that he will retire from the role in mid-2022. Only the second Chief Executive Officer in the organization’s 50-year history, Chris has led the organization for more than 30 years. Unity House extends our best wishes to him! Dynamic Leadership “The name Chris… more
Help with Rental Arrears Arrives
ERAP stands for Emergency Rental Assistance Program ERAP is a program out of the NYS Office of Temporary Disability. You can find more details on their website. The goal, as described on their site, is to “provide significant economic relief to help low and moderate-income households at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability by… more
Chi Phi Fundraiser
RPI Fraternity Gives Back Members of the Theta Chapter of the Chi Phi Fraternity on the RPI campus in Troy could not do many of their usual service projects due to the need for social distancing. The group moved to online support, as a way to give back and make a difference in their community…. more
Employee Spotlight
People who help make life better Totia Harris always knew she wanted to help people, she just wasn’t sure how that would take shape. It was as a student at Russel Sage that she first connected with Unity House and found where she could make an impact. As part of her research for a… more
Employee Spotlight
People who help make life better Liz Dinardo is the Program Director at one of Unity House’s three community residences, in our Housing Support Services program. It’s a direct care role, where she interacts with people who use Unity House services, often referred to as consumers, as well as oversee staff who are available 24/7… more
Spring/Summer Newsletter Published
Newsletter Available Online The Unity House Newsletter is now available online. You can view it here: Spring 2021 Newsletter from Unity House If you would like a hard copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (518) 274-2633 x4133.
Hoosick Falls Satellite Space Fills a Need
Improved outreach in rural areas Unity House is known for comprehensive services but what if you live in an area that is far from our staff? What if you can’t easily get to one of our locations in Troy? Thanks to Hoosick Falls Police Chief Robert Ashe, residents of Hoosick Falls and nearby communities now… more
CapCom Grant: Helps People Looking for Employment
EmploymentU will help restaurant workers and more With the help of Cap Com Federal Credit Union, Unity House is able to assist a niche of workers who were distinctly affected by the economic fall-out of the COVID-19 Pandemic: hospitality workers. Many restaurant workers were suddenly unemployed when shutdowns occurred. Finding a replacement source of income… more