News + Events


Loss of summer camp more than loss of fun and childcare

Summer Camp is also a connection to food for children Just like school can be a valuable, safe space for children who get free breakfast and lunch, summer camps often serve the same purpose: children receive breakfast, lunch, and two snacks at many summer camp programs. With widespread cancellations, including the beloved Unity House Traveling… more

Core Values

Standing as Allies As our community and our employees respond to the horrendous crime committed against George Floyd and the history of institutionalized racism in this country, Unity House shares the grief, anger, outrage and hope for real and dramatic change and the elimination of institutionalized bias. Our core values at Unity House recognize that… more

Unity House and Northeast Career Plan to Merge

Hope to formalize by year end In a joint statement today the CEOs of Unity House and Northeast Career Planning, two longstanding Capital Region human services organizations, announced that they have signed a memorandum of understanding that positions them to work toward a merger by the end of 2020. Unity House CEO Chris Burke and… more

The Call Heard ‘Round the World

When NY Governor Andrew Cuomo asked the world to help New Yorkers in their hour of need during a global pandemic, people responded. At Unity House, an essential non-profit hard at work in these times, we saw generosity in action in response to that call for help. Among our services are housing programs and a… more

Unity House Can Help with SNAP Benefits

Commonly known as Food Stamps, SNAP benefits are an important part of the food safety net Thanks to Hunger Solutions NY, Unity House has a dedicated NOEP Coordinator to help with SNAP benefits. That’s an alphabet soup of acronyms so let’s break it down. NOEP stands for Nutrition Outreach Education Program. It’s the title that… more

About Charitable Donations During Covid-19

Did you know this about the CARES Act? To encourage charitable giving in 2020, the CARES Act includes two tax provisions that reward people who donate to charity: Taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions will be able to claim a charitable deduction of up to $300 per taxpayer ($600 for a married couple) for… more

NY Teachers Making a Difference

Helping Victims of Domestic Violence Become Survivors Many thanks to NYSUT, the NY State Union of Teachers for the generous support of Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program. During the pandemic, calls to DV Hotlines, including that of DV, have spiked as people have sheltered at home. Confinement, stress, lost wages, and even having children… more

Meeting People Where They’re At

New Video highlights what happens at Front Door You know Unity House’s site at 2431 Sixth Avenue in Troy? We were surprised to learn that some people think people LIVE in that building. Maybe it’s the big Unity HOUSE sign on the building.  The fact is, while Unity House does provide supportive housing and case… more

Daily Operations at Unity House

What does this new life look like? As an essential service, Unity House can’t close. So we have adapted delivery of service for public health and safety. Many of Unity House’s public spaces are accessible only through an appointment. If you are in need of services or have a donation of food or other needed… more

Best. Volunteers. Ever.

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month We would love to gather up our volunteers and tell them how much we appreciate them. We want to remind them of the positive impact they make across Unity House programs in ways large and small. We want to thank them and tell them how much their service means to… more