News + Events


NY Teachers Making a Difference

Helping Victims of Domestic Violence Become Survivors Many thanks to NYSUT, the NY State Union of Teachers for the generous support of Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program. During the pandemic, calls to DV Hotlines, including that of DV, have spiked as people have sheltered at home. Confinement, stress, lost wages, and even having children… more

Meeting People Where They’re At

New Video highlights what happens at Front Door You know Unity House’s site at 2431 Sixth Avenue in Troy? We were surprised to learn that some people think people LIVE in that building. Maybe it’s the big Unity HOUSE sign on the building.  The fact is, while Unity House does provide supportive housing and case… more

Daily Operations at Unity House

What does this new life look like? As an essential service, Unity House can’t close. So we have adapted delivery of service for public health and safety. Many of Unity House’s public spaces are accessible only through an appointment. If you are in need of services or have a donation of food or other needed… more

Best. Volunteers. Ever.

April is Volunteer Appreciation Month We would love to gather up our volunteers and tell them how much we appreciate them. We want to remind them of the positive impact they make across Unity House programs in ways large and small. We want to thank them and tell them how much their service means to… more

#GivingTuesday- in May!

Support Unity House on #GivingTuesday and help neighbors in need No doubt you’ve heard of GivingTuesday, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving dedicated to giving back. With the onset of Coronavirus pandemic, the reliance on charities to meet even basic needs like food has skyrocketed. Unity House alone has seen a huge increase in demand for those… more

Uptick in food insecurity: one side effect of COVID-19

If you lost your job, how long before food insecurity is in your cupboards? The title of Rick Karlin’s piece in the Albany Times Union says it all: Coronavirus’ cost hits sector workers hard. The article highlights the many ripple effects of the Coronavirus. Many of those effects are here already: are you social distancing?… more

Essential Workers Need Childcare

Unity House program steps up to fill urgent need In this time of social distancing for public health and safety, there are challenges- especially for workers who are considered ‘essential’. Childcare, for example, is difficult in an environment when many daycare centers have been forced to close. That’s where  A Child’s Place at Unity House… more

Staying Up to Date

News from Unity House Are you signed up to receive Unity House’s e-Newsletter, which comes out about twice a month? You can sign up here. Or read recebt e-newsletters here and here. To receive our paper newsletter in the US mail, which is usually published twice a year, consider adding your name to our mailing… more

Help for Victims of Domestic Violence

Resources for victims of intimate partner violence more important now than ever The spread of coronavirus in the Capital Region has meant organizations like Unity House have had to change their ways of meeting the needs of people who come to them for help. At Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program, the team hasn’t missed… more

Need for volunteers

Mobilizing help while maintaining social distance Unity House’s food programs, namely prepared food that used to be served in our free, community dining room, and our food pantry, are still working hard to address food insecurity. But they’ve changed their ways. Instead of choosing foods off of the shelf, guests are asked to make an… more