News + Events


Feeding the Masses

Thank you, Hilton Garden Inn Troy, and BBL Hospitality! What a beautiful day for a cookout! We are so grateful for your continued support and commitment to making life better in our community. With your help we served over 200 people today. Your generosity brings out the best in our community.

Spring/Summer Newsletter Published

Newsletter Available Online The Unity House Newsletter is now available online. You can view it by clicking Spring/Summer Newsletter 2023. If you would like a hard copy of the newsletter mailed to you, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at (518) 274-2633 x4133.

June is Gun Violence Awareness Month

It starts with recognition Death and injury from gun violence is a serious problem. Addressing this form of violence starts with recognizing this problem exists and creating awareness about efforts to reduce gun violence in the many places it exists. Gun violence is a chronic public health issue. Many forms Gun violence, sadly, takes many… more

Community Responsive Art: teens to design & create mural

Summer Arts Program earns valuable support Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services Team will once again run their summer arts programming. Designed for teens and young adults, the program engages youth in the visual arts. For summer of 2023, the organizers have big plans, thanks in part to generous support from The Arts Center of the… more

Golf Fore Unity House: A Great Day!

Many thanks to all who attended our charitable golf tournament It was a great day at Schuyler Meadows on Monday, May 8th. A heartfelt thank you to Drue Sanders, who generously donated a custom bracelet which was raffled off to benefit those we serve. Congratulations to our winner, Colleen! Thank you to all who came… more

Board of Director Profile

Passionate Volunteer Kate Koval has been volunteering with Unity House for 20 years. It was the late Kathryn Allen, also a steadfast supporter, who introduced Kate to the idea of service. Kate started out volunteering on a Unity House event committee. As she learned about the work of human services, she got more involved; eventually… more

Unity House to observe National Crime Victims Rights Week

Last week in April is about Survivors Since 1981, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) has brought awareness to achieving justice for all victims of crime. It’s a time to celebrate the accomplishments of the victims’ rights movement, memorialize crime victims, and honor survivors. NCRW was started by the Dept. of Justice’s Office of Victim… more

Housing: the key for adults living with mental illness

A Community Conversation Unity House’s Supported Housing Program and Case Management Services will join Assemblymember John McDonald III to discuss the importance of community housing options for adults living with persistent mental illness. Our Breakfast Conversation, one of a series, is a small meetup of experts on the topic and interested community members. Led by… more

Read all about it! #TDVAM23

Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month: Resources are available Expert advocates in Unity House’s Domestic Violence Services program are available 24/7 to help those experiencing abuse. For February’s Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, we’ve ramped up our outreach to engage more with teens and young adults.  You can learn more through our Feb newsletter… more

Congratulations to Gwen Wright!

Among the Trailblazers Gwen Wright, who serves on the Unity House board of directors, has been named a 2023 Trailblazer by the Women’s Fund of the Capital Region. Currently, Gwen serves as the Interim Executive Director of the NYS Coalition Against Sexual Assault. Prior to joining the Unity House board, Gwen retired from the NYS… more