Housing and Support Services

Unity House’s Housing and Support Services Program offers housing, case management, crisis and care coordination options for adults living with mental illness, HIV/AIDS, and/or chronic medical conditions. Services support individuals to live safely in the community with dignity and independence and are provided on an individual’s level of functioning and personal choice at the least restrictive level of care.

For more information about eligibility, availability, and application processes, please call (518) 274-2607.

Unity House will not discriminate against any individual or family applying to or participating in a program because of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, familial status, or presence of children in a household.

  • Transitional Housing and Support

    Community Residences offer a structured, supportive environment for adults living with mental illness, with 24/7 staff support. Services foster skill building necessary to transition to more independent settings.

    Transitional Apartment Services (TAS) provides safe, secure furnished apartments for adults living with mental illness. Scattered site and single site options available. Services are provided through home visits up to 7 days a week, based on individual needs.

    Contact:  Erica Edwards at (518) 274-2633 ext. 4165

  • Permanent Housing and Support

    Community Housing provides assistance to secure and maintain safe, permanent housing as well as case management and other support services for homeless and chronically homeless adults living with mental illness or other disabling conditions. Contact:  Rebecca Mann (518) 805-7103 or Denise Roe-De La Rosa (518) 274-2607 ext. 4182

    Supportive Housing for people living with Serious Mental Illness provides housing and supportive services to those living in Rensselaer County. Contact Amy Palma (518) 274-2607 ext. 4163

    Housing and Support for people living with HIV/AIDS provides housing, supportive services, medical transportation, emergency financial assistance, and/or food assistance to those living in Rensselaer, Albany, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties and surrounding areas. Contact:  Amy Palma (518) 274-2607 ext. 4163

    Young Adult/MICA Case Management Services help young adults (ages 18-24) who are mentally ill and/or chemically addicted live independently in the community and access services. Contact:  Denise Roe-De La Rosa (518) 274-2607 ext. 4182

    Health Home Care Coordination provides comprehensive care management services to individuals who are high users of Medicaid through hospitalizations and ER admissions. Must be Medicaid eligible and meet other eligibility criteria. Contact:  Courtney Bonesteel (518) 274-2607 ext. 4188

  • The ACT Team: Assertive Community Treatment

    The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Team will provide individualized services to adults diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness that impairs their functioning in the community. It is designed for adults diagnosed with severe and persistent mental illness who have a history of a lack of engagement in, or inability to benefit from, traditional outpatient services.

    Services may include:

    Comprehensive assessment, intensive treatment, medication management, housing supports, service planning & coordination, wellness management, skill around tasks of daily living, substance abuse treatment, vocational skills training, self-advocacy, and family counseling.

    Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) is:

    • the highest level of care outside an in-patient setting
    • a multi-disciplinary team providing individualized services in the community or home.
    • 24/7 care and continuity of care that can be open-ended and lifelong.
    • treatment that is holistic, integrated, with low client to staff ratio
    • outreach that is assertive and available 24 hours a day.
    • designed for people who have not had success in other treatment models.
    • persists in the face of failure.

    Who qualifies for the services the ACT Team will provide?
    The ACT Team:

    Is county based. The ACT Team based at Unity House is for adult residents of Rensselaer County or southern Saratoga County. For other counties, please check with your county department of health.

    Will give priority to adults with schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders (e.g., schizoaffective disorder), bipolar disorder, or major/chronic depression.

    Is for adults living with severe and persistent mental illness that seriously impairs functioning in the community. Or, two hospitalizations within 12 months or 60 days.

    May be court-ordered pursuant to Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) §9.60 to participate in AOT

    Other criteria may apply

    No person shall be excluded from receiving ACT services based on race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, HIV status.

    How will a referral be made to the ACT Team?

    All referrals to the ACT team must be forwarded to and reviewed by the County SPOA Coordinator who will get them to the ACT Team to process.

    Where will the services of the ACT Team be delivered?

    Based at Unity House in Troy, the ACT Team will provide services in the home and community. Services will around the clock.

    View or download our brochure HERE

  • Residential Crisis Support Space

    Located at 309 Eight Street in Troy, NY Unity House’s Residential Crisis Support Space is a residence for Capital Region adults in crisis.

    In cases where a person’s mental health symptoms present challenges in daily life to the extent they risk hospitalization, this space offers a chance for a re-set, a dedicated space to address symptoms with access to supports and resources.

    The space, newly renovated to contain 6 private bedrooms and communal spaces, is available to adults living in Rensselaer, Albany, Schenectady, and Saratoga counties. It is a voluntary residential program. The maximum stay is 28 days. Staff are on-site 24/7.

    Residential Crisis Support spaces are an important part of the health network, an effective way to meet the needs of those experiencing or recovering from a mental health crisis while serving as a diversion or step-down from busy hospital settings. Perhaps most important, the space allows guests to stay in their community as they and their team develop a plan for recovery.

    To see the space, please call us to schedule a tour or check out the space in THIS VIDEO on the Unity House YouTube channel.

    The referral form for Unity House’s Residential Crisis Support Space can be downloaded HERE.

    For more information, please contact us or check out a video of the space on the Unity House YouTube channel.